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Financial Advisor Digital Marketing Tools & Tactics For Business Growth

Some financial advisors have been slow to adopt digital marketing in order to promote themselves and their businesses. Unfortunately, these slow adopters are falling behind advisors who have jumped on the opportunity, and are generating results from their efforts!

It’s not too late to get started. There is still time to go digital with your marketing strategy or to improve what you currently have in place. 

We’re going to dig into how digital marketing can help you increase your sphere of influence, bring more people to your business, and grow your client base! 


Part 1: Generating Traffic

1. Define Your Audience 

Knowing your audience is the first step in any digital marketing strategy – in fact, 71% of companies exceed their revenue and lead goals when they have their target audiences clearly defined.

When outlining who your target audience is, define key characteristics such as:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Income
  • Occupation
  • Investment portfolio size
  • Investment goals

When you have a good sense of who your audience is, it becomes far easier for you to provide helpful advice tailored to their specific needs and goals.

This will help you drive traffic back to your website and ultimately into your office door.




You can also create content targeted to their needs.

You can begin to ask yourself questions such as:

  • How can I help them reach their wealth targets?
  • How can they save on taxes while maximizing their growth potential?
  • How can they protect themselves from scams and frauds?

If you’re looking for more specific guidance on getting to know the desires and frustrations of your ideal client in-depth, check out our guide to defining your target audience here.


2. Turn To Social Media Marketing

There’s no better way to increase your sphere of influence and generate high-quality traffic than with social media. That’s because more than half of the world (58.4%) is using it!

Use social media to give your take on current trends in the industry, share a blog that you’ve published on your website, or humanize your brand by uploading a quick video on what you’re doing to unplug for the weekend. 

Establish trust on your social media platforms while building authority, positioning yourself as a knowledgeable leader to your target audience.




It might seem like a daunting task, but there are plenty of resources out there to help get you started! Like the 7 easy and actionable social media marketing tips we pulled together, specifically for financial advisors. 


3. Get Into Blogging

Blogging is often seen as a time-consuming endeavour for financial advisors, but it can be very rewarding.

It is a critical component of a successful content marketing strategy.

It takes longer to see results, however, it improves the visibility of your website (and your business) on Google’s search engine results pages.

When done correctly and consistently, it can get you on the map (a.k.a. the first page of Google’s search engine results pages).

Not only does blogging support your SEO, it helps you establish your expertise to website visitors and prospects. It also provides useful information for existing clients who may then share your content with potential new leads.

You never know who will come across one of your blogs, like what you have to say and pick up their phone for more information about you and your services!





Part 2: Lead Capture

1. Invest In Great Website Design

The cost to design and maintain a good website is nominal, but the benefits are exponential.

A well-designed website will make it easy for clients to find you – and want to do business with you.

When people can find you quickly and learn all they need to without confusion, they’re much more likely to want to work with you.

Check out our selection of effective, personalizable website frameworks here.



2. Utilize Testimonials

Thanks to the amendments to the Advertising and Solicitation Rules of The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), financial advisors can now use testimonials in their marketing content – and that changes everything.

Client testimonials are an important part of marketing because they show prospective clients that you have a track record of success.

Not only will obtaining these testimonials and using them be an important step toward increasing conversions, they will also help inspire your staff, increase customer loyalty, and provide learning opportunities to help you improve your services.

Here’s how to level up your marketing with SEC compliant client testimonials.




3. Follow Lead Capture Tactics

Successful lead capture on your website is vital to your business. To create an effective landing page that promotes lead capture on your website, it will need to be short and sweet.

Here are some tips to follow:

  • Hook visitors in with interesting visuals and compelling headlines.
  • Focus on one specific message or offer.
  • Speak directly to the pain points of your target audience.
  • Describe the desired outcome of filling out the form or downloading your content in detail so they can imagine themselves experiencing that outcome in real life.
  • Provide a clear call to action that directs visitors to perform the action you would like them to take.




Part 3: Nurture and Convert

Your marketing strategy will continue to nurture the traffic and leads that you capture, with the end goal of converting them into new clients.

Having a solid website helps you to convert prospects as soon as they’re ready.

There are 3 key aspects of your website that should be incorporated into any digital marketing strategy in order to drive conversions:


1. CTAs (Calls-To-Action)

Anything that encourages the visitor or lead to take an action when they land on any of your website pages is considered a CTA (call-to-action).

It could be as simple as, “Submit”, “Download Now”, or “Get Started”.

Any phrase that encourages engagement can be a CTA, but if you want them to have the most impact, make them short, clear, and concise.

Here’s a guide to using CTAs for financial advisors.


2) Scheduling Tools

Scheduling tools make it possible for prospects to schedule appointments as soon as they’re ready, at their convenience, and without having to call or email the advisor’s office.

They can see when future times are available and book themselves into a meeting without the back and forth scheduling, saving time for both them and yourself.


Make scheduling appointments easy for your clients with MeetingMaker. Our powerful & compliant scheduling for financial advisors.

3. Gated Content

If you want to take lead capture on your website to the next level, consider including gated content on your site.

A piece of gated content could include an ebook, checklist, or cheat sheet – anything with value that would make it worthwhile for visitors to provide you with their contact information in exchange for the piece of content.

For example, you could offer a detailed checklist on how to plan for retirement.

If this is something your target audience would want, they would have no problem providing you with their contact information in exchange for it.




4. Email Marketing

There’s no doubt that one of the most powerful ways to nurture potential clients is through email marketing.

On average, every $1 spent on email generates $42 and 4 out of 5 marketers have said that they’d rather give up social media than email marketing!

To experience these kinds of results, it’s important for your emails to be relevant.

Keeping the interests, pain points, and needs of your target audience in mind, consider what type of content they would like to see.

Would they want to read your latest blog? Perhaps there’s been a big change in the market that impacts them and they could use your support. Maybe you held a really exciting cultural event for your employees and want to share it?

Here are some additional tips and tricks for email marketing..


Ready To Boost Your Digital Marketing Game?

Digital marketing is a powerful tool for financial advisors to grow their business, but it can be confusing and time-consuming. If you’re looking for help with your digital marketing strategy, get in touch with our team.

We have the tools and tactics you need to effortlessly generate traffic, capture leads, and nurture prospects into clients using social media, email campaigns, and great website designs that convert!

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